Specializing in AKC registered puppies with 30 years experience

Our Puppies Are

Our Puppies Go Home
AKC Certified
Hi, I am Matty, owner of Southern Magnolia Shih Tzu. Here at Southern Magnolia, I specialize in breeding AKC registered Home-Raised, Happy and well Socialized, Healthy Shih Tzu puppies in the Maysville/Commerce, Georgia area. It is my passion in life to share the love of this amazing breed with others.
I have been breeding AKC Shih Tzu’s for the past 30 years. My main focus is breeding well socialized, healthy and happy puppies in a variety of sizes and rare colors as part of my family in my home.
All of my puppies are veterinarian certified healthy, immunized, dewormed, microchipped, and groomed before leaving us at 8 weeks of age. They go to their new homes with their health certificate, birth certificate, our health guarantee, AKC registration application, and a microchip with prepaid lifetime enrollment with AKC REUNITE. The mommies and daddies are part of our family and range in size from AKC Breed Standard (10-16 pounds), Imperial (6-10 pounds). I specialize in a wide variety of colors including Tri-color, Gold and White Parti, Black Mask Gold, Tuxedo, Black and White Parti, Solid Black, and Solid White as well as the amazing rare color lines that include Blue, Lavender, Isabella Cream-White, Red, Dobie, Dobie-Liver, and Liver (true chocolate).

I would be honored to find you the Shih Tzu puppy of your dreams to complete your family. I invite you to explore my website, photos, and testimonials of many happy clients. If you decide to reach out to me to make your dreams come true, please complete the "Puppy Request Form." If you have any questions you can reach me at 706-690-8141.

Newly to the family
Happy New Year 2025 Everyone!
Our long awaited Winter Puppies have arrived, yay!!
Welcome Sofia’s and Luke SkyWalker’s Five (5) Tiny Imperial Black and White Babies (3) Boys and (2) Girls born on 1/26/25. Our tiny sweet, loving and funny Sofia labored throughout the night. It was quite a long labor. What a trouper!!! Both Sofia and her babies are doing well and babies are healthy.

Li-Ling our precious sweet little “Cha-Cha-Cha” Dancer Girl and her charming Romeo Mr. Rocky, had their three (3) babies the morning of 12/27/2024. Into the world arrived, two (2) healthy Chocolate Dobie babies, a girl and a boy, followed by a Cream and White boy. Both babies and Mommy are doing well.

Our Tiny Imperial Princess Sade labored all night long on 12/26/24. Safely, Sade and her loving Prince, Lover Boy OBI'1 welcomed, three (3) Tiny Healthy Baby Boys which we named Dallas a Tiny White Cream Boy, Denver a Tiny White Gold Boy, and Dusty a Tiny Black Mask Gold Boy. All three (3) boys are healthy, growing and doing well.

Our Sweet and Playful HollyBerry and her loving partner Mr. Pickachu welcomed on 12/20/24, Four (4) beautiful and healthy babies. One Tricolor Girl, One Black & White Boy and Two Tricolor Boys, made their way into this world gracefully and quite hungry, latching on to their mommy and nursing to their heart’s desire. A job well done!

Welcome our first Fall/Winter babies born to precious mommy Victoria and sweet and handsome Dobie daddy Yoshi. Their babies entered this world on a cool breezy Fall morning on September 8, 2024. Three (3) healthy little angels, (2) boys and (1) girl eagerly nursed hungrily as each was united after their birth and placed next to their loving mommy.

Hello everyone, I must say that the last of our Summer babies have arrived. On June 25, 2024 we welcomed Evanna’s and Yoshi’s healthy and adorable Imperial babies. The two love birds blessed us with five (5) tiny Imperial cuties, three (3) girls and two (2) boys and what gorgeous Earth tone fur color combinations they display. This is the first time they have given us these gorgeous colors.

To continue with our Summer babies, our Tiny Imperial Princess Sofia and her Tiny Prince OBI 1, together gave us on June 16,2024, six (6) Stunningly Beautiful and Healthy Tiny treasures consisting of (4) Boys and (2) Girls. We were surprised to see a Rare Color Blue and White Tiny Imperial Baby Boy while the rest of the the tiny babies resembled their mommy ‘s Black and White fur color.

Our next Summer babies come form Sweet and Loving Havanna and our Pride and Joy Mr. Pickachu. Together they presented us on June 12, 2024 with Six (6) adorable and healthy babies (3) Boys and (3) Girls. Five (5) of these babies’ fur will lighten up as they grow to a gorgeous white and gold with a few black highlights. Basically what is called a Tri-Color Shih Tzu for the exception of an all white baby boy.

Our Summer Babies continue to arrive. Let’s welcome SkyeBlue and Mr. Pickachu’s babies. They have blessed us with (6) healthy little bundles of joy (5) girls and (1) boy on June 06, 2024. Can’t wait to watch these babies grow. Their array of fur colors are amazing, ranging from rare Cream Blues to Black Mask Gold and Sable. What a Blessing!!!

Hello everyone,
Our summer babies 2024 continue to arrive. Yes, Sade our sweet and loving Tiny Princess and OBI 1 our cute and loving Tiny Prince have joined together in love to celebrate the birth of their three (3) healthy baby girls during the early hours of June 3, 2024. Meet Willow, a solid Rare Blue Cream Imperial Girl with white paws and a dash of white on her chest. Next in the middle, is Wendy, an Imperial Tricolor Gold/White/Black girl. Last but not least, is Winter, an all White with a few Rare Blue Cream markings Imperial girl whose eyes will be green. All three (3) baby girls and mommy Sade are doing well.

We want to welcome our Summer Babies Arrivals! Yay!!! Summer Babies have begun to be born! Our Tiny Princess Jade (mommy) and our Tiny Prince OBI 1 (daddy) celebrated their love and together produced two (2) beautiful baby girls on April 20, 2024. We were surprised to see that one of the girls born, who we named Viviann, is of a rare Dobie Color Black with Gold Points. Her sister Victoria, is a Black and Gold Brindle. Glad to say, Mommy Jade and her (2) baby girls Vivian and Victoria are healthy and doing well.

On March 28, 2024, Southern Magnolia Shih Tzu welcomed four (4) new little bundles of joy. Li Jing (mommy) and Yoshi (daddy) became proud parents to, two (2) girls and tow (2) boys. These girls are both rare color cream white. One of the boys is a beautiful brown with white under his chin. The other boy is a unique brown with a tuxedo pattern. Please join us in welcoming these healthy little ones to the family!

Our sweet and playful (mommy) Chelsea, and (daddy) Yoshi, welcomed three (3) gorgeous and healthy baby angels. A little (1) boy followed by two (2) little girls made their way on the scene starting at 1:00 in the morning on March 23 and ending at 4:00 am. Chelsea, the ever vigilant mommy, has not been able to take her eyes off her three (3) precious babies since they were born. Welcome to the family little ones!!!

Victoria and Yoshi our sweet mommy and daddy are the parents to these three (3) gorgeous babies. We are surprised to see two (2) Black/White/Gold Dobie Girls and a Sable Boy. All babies are healthy and mommy is enjoying feeding and loving her babies.

Meet our sweet and amazing rare color Chocolate mommy Li Ling. We have nicked named her “La Cha Cha” because she loves to dance. Whenever you call her name, she responds with a cute little dance. Our sweet and precious Li Ling has blessed us with four beautiful and healthy Dark Chocolate Dobie babies on 2/10/24. We were surprised to see three (3) boys and one (1) girl. We are hoping that this year, does not turn out to be the year of the boys.

Happy New Year 2024🎈🎉to everyone from SouthernMagnolia Shih Tzus! So glad to say that our Sweet Chocolate (Mother) Madison and Dobie (Father) Yoshi surprised us with our first litter to start the year 2024. Bright, Spunky, Cute and Healthy three (3) boys and one (1) girl made their appearance into this world quite quickly one right after the other. A very smooth and fast delivery. Both mommy and babies are doing quite well.

Our LOVE ❤️💙 Birds Misty and OBI1 were given the keys to the Honeymoon Suite and together produced the most beautiful babies ever! To celebrate the end of the year 12/18/2023, two (2) rare Blue White healthy Baby Boys and three (3) healthy and beautiful Tricolor Girls were born. Both mommy and babies have settled into their whelping warm box and doing well! Thank you Misty and OBI1 for ending our year with such a gorgeous litter.

Hello Everyone,
Join in welcoming SkyBlue’s (Mother) and Mr. Pickachu’s (Father) three (3) baby boys born on December 15, 2023.
We were so surprised to see all three (3) baby boys born are of a rare blue color. It was a very quick and easy delivery. Both mommy and babies are doing fine and all are healthy. A job well done SkyBlue and Pickachu. We look forward to watching these rare blue color boys grow up and leave the nest.

Our Tiny Princess Sade and our Tiny Prince Obi 1, had the most beautiful babies ever !! Together, they blessed us with three (3) gorgeous healthy babies on 11/06/23. Two (2) boys were born, a Blue Cream and White and a Black Mask Gold. The Baby girl is quite tiny and has the most gorgeous Black Mask Gold coloring! Both Mommy and babies are doing well and growing nicely. Thank you Sade and Obi 1 for giving us such beautiful and healthy babies!

Wow! Leave it to Yoshi, our sweet rare color Dobie Stud …. he did it again “ALL GIRLS!” Yoshi is known for having beautiful rare color babies, and in this litter, born on November 4, 2023, he did not disappoint us. Yoshi (Father) and Maggie (Mother) had six (6) little bundles of joy - ALL GIRLS! What a surprise! Maggie is such a sweet, laid back, affectionate and precious little momma and all of her puppies have proved to have similar personalities. It was a textbook delivery and all of these little SouthernMagnolia angels are happy, healthy and thriving.

Let’s welcome Havanna’s (Mother) and Mr. Pickachu’s (Father) babies! Together, they make such beautiful tricolor puppies. These three (3) healthy and beautiful babies one (1) girl and two (2) boys arrived during the afternoon hours of 10/28/23. All the babies and parents are doing great.

Happy Fall Y’all…. Let’s welcome our first Fall litter’s arrival from Montana (Mother) & Yoshi (Father) born on 10/11/23. Our Sweet and Playful Small Standard Mommy Montana blessed us with five (5) gorgeous babies three (3) boys and two (2) girls. All went well and both mommy and babies have settled into their whelping box and doing beautifully! Good job Montana and Yoshi. Thank you for bringing into this world such beautiful babies!


Let's welcome Skye Blue's (Mother) and Mr. Pickachu's (Father) four (4) babies who arrived into the world on June 17, 2023. One girl and three boys who are perfectly healthy. What a Surprise to see so many Rare Blue Cream colored babies in one birth. We usually just see one (1) cream blue per birth and here we were blessed with three (3) Blue Cream babies. WOW!

Maggie (Mother) and Pickachu (Father) make such a cute couple and make the most beautiful babies🤩! They just had five (5) tiny bundles of joy, two (2) girls and three (3) boys. All of which are heathy and have a nice array of colors. They were born on May 1, 2023 and we gladly welcome them.

Li-Ling is our playful sweet loving mommy who loves to dance to the music ♫♪♪. Whenever she hears a song, she wiggles to the sounds of the melody. Therefore, we call her La Cha Cha!!! What a dancer! Li-Ling (Mother) and Yoshi (Father) together gave us five (5) gorgeous and healthy boys. Wow!! Yep! That is a lot of boys in one birth. These five (5) bouncing baby boys arrived joyfully on April 29, 2023. La Cha Cha, our Sweet Li-Ling is an excellent mommy💕.


We are so surprised to see more baby girls arriving at Southern Magnolia Shih Tzu. These gorgeous black, gold, and white girls are so beautiful and welcomed. Thank you to their parents Evanna (Mother) and Yoshi (Father) for giving us four (4) healthy baby girls on April 24, 2023.

Our tiny little princess Jade (Mother) was given the keys to the fantasy suite where she joined her tiny lover💕 Obi 1. Their romance💘 together culminated in the arrivals of two (2) tiny babies on April 17, 2023 consisting of a baby girl and a baby boy. They are the cutest tiny and healthiest babies you'll ever see!


Hello World! We are excited to announce the birth of Misty’s (Mother) and Obi1’s (Father) 5 Babies. We were so surprised to see four (4) girls and one (1) boy arriving in the early hours on April 7, 2023. Mommy was a trooper, delivering all healthy babies quite quickly. Both Mommy and babies are doing well and happy! Thank you Misty for giving us such beautiful babies!


Wow! Can you believe we have a litter of all Black & White puppies? Yes, thanks to Sofía (Mother) and Obi1 (Father) for surprising us with four (4) healthy and gorgeous Black & White Babies. Three (3) girls and one (1) boy arrived safely and healthy during the middle of the night. This is the first time all babies born are Black & White in color. Thank you to the proud parents Sofía and Obi1.

Congratulations to Chelsea (Mother) and Yoshi (Father). They are the proud parents of five (5) healthy babies three (3) girls and two (2) boys. Chelsea always wanted puppies of her own and we are almost as happy as she is to see her gorgeous babies arrival on April 1 2023. Each puppy is so unique and will have the Shih Tzu qualities that we all love: sweet, playful, eager to please and beautiful. Believe it or not, even at less than a day old, you can start to see their personality coming out. Looking at the proud parents, it’s easy to see where these babies wonderful rare colors came from

Let us welcome Sadie Himari (Mother) and Pickachu (Father) newly born babies. They came to this world on March 11, 2023 at 10:30 in the evening wiggling, strong and healthy. It was a smooth and fast delivery consisting of two (2) Boys and three (3) Girls. What a surprise to see a rare color Cream White baby as well as, four (4) beautiful tri-color babies. The tri-colors look black and white and as they mature, their fur will lighten up to a golden blond, white with black highlights. These bundles of joy will be ready to go to their forever homes on May 6, 2023. Which one will you choose??!!!

Welcome our newly born puppies. We were born on February 25, 2023 at 9:30 A.M. We are strong and healthy and consist of 3 boys and 3 girls. Our parents are Havanna (Mother) and Pickachu (Father). We are looking for a Loving Forever Home where we can be loved, have fun, and be the center of attention.